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Tips of diesel genset

By December 15, 2021No Comments

Tips of diesel generator set


  1. Overload problem

For example, if you need a 100KW genset, you can directly buy a 100KW standby power diesel generator set, and overloading for a long time is quite unfavorable for the operation of the generator set. So we recommend you purchase bigger one.

  1. Poor heat dissipation

Because the environmental factor is that the fan of the engine cannot blow away the heat of the water tank, causing the water temperature to rise. As a result, the temperature of the lubricating oil also rises, resulting in insufficient oil pressure and poor lubrication. It will cause damage and damage to moving parts such as pulling cylinders, pistons, bushes, etc. and affect the normal operation of the engine.

  1. Maintenance issues

Failure to maintain on time results in excessively dirty engine oil, reduced viscosity, clogged filters, resulting in insufficient lubrication, and damage and damage to moving parts leading to major machine failures. Due to the quality of diesel fuel, the diesel filter will be blocked, the fuel supply will be poor, and the machine will be under-loaded. If the machine is operated for 50 hours for the first time for the first maintenance, the engine oil, oil filter and diesel filter should be replaced every 200 hours thereafter. Check the air filter regularly when there is much dust in the environment. Replace if there is a problem.

  1. Personnel care issues

No matter how good the machine or the best equipment, if the person who operate the genets does not take care of it, the lifetime of the machine will not be long. It’s also very important for all the machine’s power-on inspection and regular inspection during operation to make a good inspection record. This is important.


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